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Published: 2020-11-13

Patience is not our virtue, especially when our country at stake. So many world leaders hurried to congratulates Biden on the victory. They are politicians. There may be consequences.
We Wait

We Wait

Published: 2020-11-12

The most difficult things are to wait and to catch up. But there is no choice. We made a choice. But someone does not agree. We go to court. Now we are waiting.
We better believed

We better believed

Published: 2020-11-10

Irregularities during the presidential election 2020 are amazing. William Barr (DOJ) authorizes prob on the possible violations of the voting procedure.
Election american style

Election american style

Published: 2020-11-08

Congrats to all democrats! This election put behind Russa and Belarus combined:)
From Homo Sapiens II

From Homo Sapiens II

Published: 2020-11-06

All people are born equal and free. That is true in one sense. But I always thought this statement was somewhat naive and pathetic because some people are born healthy and wealthy while others are poor and sick. There are persistent inequalities. Smart and not so bright. Lucky and unfortunate. Some are born in an ethical and free country. Others are born in a terrible third-world country where is no freedom and no food. Some have a lovely family where the children are loved and cherished.
From Homo Sapiens II

From Homo Sapiens II

Published: 2020-11-01

The climate in Africa about 3 million years ago was much wetter than today. The conditions favored rich plant and animal diversity. Tall trees allowed primates to live off the ground and eat leaves and berries without fear of predators. When the climate changed and got much dryer, the trees were smaller and sparser. There is some different opinion about the environment in Africa at those times. Warm and wet with many lakes and rivers. It attracted birds and various small aquatic inhabitants.


Published: 2020-10-31

Scary day, scary time, unpredictable future. I wish America survive.
From Homo Sapiens II

From Homo Sapiens II

Published: 2020-10-30

The famous Jurassic period began about 200 million years ago and lasted 56 million years. The real lords of the Earth were dinosaurs. Humans did not exist at that time. At the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago, the Earth collided with a giant meteorite. The consequences were catastrophic. Dinosaurs and reptiles erased from the face of Earth, making way for mammals.