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Published: 2021-01-21

Hurrah! America will begin to move towards European values. Liberalism, democracy, assimilation, and employment of emigrants, environmental protection, trust in the media and the country's leadership, honesty and trust in each other, multiculturism, tolerance, globalization, equality, minority rights, civil liberties. It's time; it's time to learn from civilized people. Unfortunately, Europe unleashed two World Wars in the last century.


Published: 2021-01-17

About this simple concept, my, my family, my piece of bread stumbled and collapsed all revolutions. Economics is a tough teacher. The Great French and Socialist Russian Revolutions, which destroyed their countries' economies, quickly moved on to the most brutal terror and destruction of their own сomrades, trying to shift the responsibility for their own stupidity onto them.


Published: 2021-01-16

Today, in 2020, the country is split into two, almost equal halves. On the one hand, these are people who adhere to traditional American values. The American Dream: freedom, home, bank account, confidence in the future. Equality of all before the law, the opportunity to achieve success in life. The other half of the country, carried away by socialist equality ideas, demands that it be taken from the rich and divided between those who could not achieve success with their work.
Price Of Mistake

Price Of Mistake

Published: 2021-01-15

When the founding fathers laid down what is happening in America when the US Constitution was created, many were slave owners, so it was decided to postpone slavery for 20 years to the next generation. The price of this mistake is paid by the generation living in the country today.


Published: 2021-01-13

The Communists' theory may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property, that's the communist doctrine.


Published: 2021-01-12

In the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East, various Semitic tribes led a nomadic life. The Arabs tribes also are the Semites. It is more than likely that some Semitic tribes had developed fertile tracts of land and moved on to a sedentary lifestyle. The way of life changed, and accordingly, new gods appeared. After the gods could not prevent tribesmen's deaths, people demanded new rituals, traditions, and a belief in a single all-powerful God.
Holy smoke

Holy smoke

Published: 2021-01-11

Arrested Pope. Viceroy of God on Earth.


Published: 2021-01-10

"Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Clever thoughts

Clever thoughts

Published: 2021-01-09

... the revolution, the need for which the Bolsheviks had been talking about all the time, took place ... Dec 31. 2017 V. Lenin The whole world is a theater, and people are actors in it. William Shakespeare This has never happened before, and suddenly again. V.