Published: 2021-06-30

75 From the book: A STORY OF THE GREATEST LIES 20 The son of the Edomite Antipater, the Roman procurator of Judea, Herod, who received Roman citizenship, appeared before the Roman Senate and was elected king of Judea. In 37 BC, with the help of Roman troops, he took Jerusalem. He was named Herod the Great for the numerous construction of cities, fortresses, harbor, amphitheater, port, citadel, and most importantly, for the expansion and reconstruction of the Second Jerusalem Temple. He died in the fourth year BC. Herod, the Great's memory, remains a very cruel, paranoid, vindictive, and highly suspicious person who executed his wife and sons. It was a troubled time. The people longed for change and the imminent arrival of the Messiah, who will change this world forever. Many roving preachers and various false Messiahs have sprung up in Judea.