Published: 2021-06-28

Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who came to power, decided to introduce Greek culture, religion, and language by force. The Jerusalem Temple became in 167 BC the sanctuary of Olympian Zeus. Pagan sacrifices were offered in the Temple. An outburst of anger turned into an armed uprising. He led the uprising of 166 BC. Priest Mattathias from the Hasmonean clan. After his death, his son, Judas, became the leader of the rebels. The troops sent to pacify the rebels were defeated. After three years of constant battles, the rebels entered Jerusalem. The temple was cleansed, and the religious leaders announced a miracle. It was necessary to light the minor, the sacred eight candlesticks, which should burn all these days. But pure, not defiled oil, in a pot sealed with a temple seal, could only last for one day for burning. There was no time to prepare ritually pure butter. But oh, a miracle! The lamprey burned for eight days. In honor of such an apparent miracle, the holiday of Hanukkah was established.