Published: 2021-06-20

65: From the book: HISTORY OF THE GREAT LODGE 10 Babylonian captivity We can trace the further history of the Jews from the Torah, translated into Latin and Greek. There are no other reliable sources. Various myths of the peoples inhabiting Mesopotamia of that period, similar to the records in the Torah and written in cuneiform among the peoples inhabiting ancient Mesopotamia, suggest events that took place at the dawn of human civilization. Almost any ethnic group has legends associated with the gods and heroes who stood at the origins of the formation of this nation, went through epochal battles and incredible adventures that contribute to the creation or revival of this nation. Among the Jews, such an epic developed as a religious, historical, social, and literary work unfolding against the background of the world's birth and religion, given to the nation by the Lord God himself. This choice made the nation the bearer of knowledge about the transience of this world and the desire to follow the righteous path, which gave the right to eternal life in the other world. Such an enticing proposal left an imprint on the entire multi-thousand-year history of this nation. In the name of this right, Jews went to the fires of the Inquisition and the gas chambers of the Nazi Reich. The fear of breaking the covenant before God won the fear of death. The life, historical past, and religion of the ancient Jews are known to us from the written Torah, passed down from generation to generation. The Tanakh included in the Bible, called the Old Testament, tells about the history of the ancient East. This, the most voluminous part of the Bible, includes: 1. Pentateuch: 2. Prophets: 3. Scriptures. The first five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The second section: “Joshua,” “Judges,” two “Books of Samuel,” two “Books of Kings,” stories about twelve “minor prophets.” The section "Scriptures" includes: "Psalter," "Proverbs of Solomon," "Job," "Song of Songs," "Ruth," "Lamentations of Jeremiah," "Books of the Preacher" (Ecclesiastes), "Esther," books of the prophets of Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, two books of the Chronicles.