Published: 2021-06-17

62: From the book: THE STORY OF THE GREATEST LIES 7 The transition from paganism to polytheism took a long time, retaining the influence on the previous rituals and traditions of worshiping new deities. Even moving on to worship a single god, the Jews continued the traditions and rituals of totemic pagan traditions during prayers. Ritual dances with the Torah scrolls, which replaced the sacred totem. Special robes, kneeling with the forehead touching the floor, protecting dwellings with amulets with written texts, lighting candles, and blessing bread before a meal. Imposing on the hand and on the head in a special way a special ribbon (tefillin) with a box (inside the box written lines from the Torah) on the head with the obligatory prayer. The ransom of the firstborn was associated with the sacrifice of the first male child (replaced by a monetary offering). Kaparot is a Jewish rite in honor of the sacred holiday Yom Kippur (Judgment Day), associated with the offering of a sacrifice (a rooster or hen), which is rotated over the head three times, reciting the prescribed prayer. A special butcher (shoyhet) cuts the sacrificial bird, which was then donated to charity. In modern times, the sacrificial bird can be replaced with money as it is also used for charity. A similar religious practice is mentioned in Babylonian and Persian Jewish records.