Homo Sapiens Vol IV
Published: 2021-09-23
For those who have not read the previous three volumes of Homo Sapiens, it will probably be helpful to familiarize yourself with the history and stages of the origin of our species. The third volume of our story ended at a rather unexpected, albeit predictable, turn in the history of our species, Homo Sapiens. I did believe that the third volume of Homo Sapiens has sufficiently exhausted my desire to expound anything else on this matter. But the further development of events in today's world so unexpectedly and sharply indicated the impending cardinal changes that it became clear that our species is ready for a striking new turn in its history. Perhaps not the most sensible, but very cruel and bloody. Since being only a witness of what is happening, nothing else remains but to state what is happening, trying to guess the next turn, in the hope: "... may this cup pass me by." That is what I do wish for you.