America in Afghanistan
Published: 2021-08-27
For twenty years, American troops were in Afghanistan. They created a government, trained and equipped the Samyns with modern weapons, established democracy in the country, and attracted hundreds of thousands of Afghans to cooperate. Women received equal rights; children were educated in schools, assimilating the American way of life—democracy at its best.
Everything collapsed. US troops flee to escape the advancing Taliban. They flee as hastily as they fled at the infamous 1975 from Saigon, the capital of Vietnam. We all remember the films of Rimbaud and American soldiers thrown at the mercy of the enemy.
Things are much worse today. America flees in panic, leaving its soldiers and hundreds of thousands of friends in mortal danger. The Taliban received the most modern weapons and equipment.
America has never experienced such humiliation.
Today's bombings near an airport in Kabul have killed 13 American soldiers and more than a hundred Afghans.
This is just the beginning.