Published: 2021-07-26
Is it possible or necessary to fight this phenomenon?
Many centuries have proved the futility and senselessness of fighting this disgusting phenomenon. Does this mean that you just have to accept and wait for your fate, expecting new pogroms or the physical destruction of the Jewish nation?
We all want a dignified and peaceful life for us and especially for our children. Anti-Semites and people who hate Jews, many times more than 15 million Jews living in the world today.
Believers in a Jewish God are confident of protection. Our ancestors went to their deaths with confidence in divine help.
Many peoples and nations have disappeared from the face of the earth, unable to resist the hordes of enemies. They also relied on mystical mythological powers, but only memory remained of them.
Today there is only one way to save the nation and survive. We must unite and prove to the world community the age-old propaganda of slander, slander, blood libel, and much more.
JEWS FOR JUSTICE - our common task is to force the world community to recognize and see all the injustice for long 2000 years.
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