Published: 2021-07-25
Essentially, anti-Semitism means hatred of the Semites. In essence, this is hatred of Jews. The definition of Jewry is so vague that it is necessary to agree in advance what the word Jew or Jew means. Is this a religion? Is this nationality? Is this a race? Is this culture?
For Christians, it was definitely a religion. Those who voluntarily or forcibly embraced the Christian faith became not Jews but Christians. In the USSR, as in Nazi Germany, there has always been a nationality. In America, it is religion. In Israel, it is both a nationality, but also a religion. And then everywhere. Each language chooses its own attitude towards a person of Jewish nationality.
Anti-Semitism, or what stands behind this word, has been around for over 2,000 years, and it depends on us to reconcile it or fight it.
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