Published: 2021-07-21
88 From the book "THE STORY OF THE GREATEST LIES" 33
Jews and Christianity
Christianity, which arose as a sect in Judaism, owes its development to three Jews adepts of a new view of Judaism. Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ (crucified) Greek), Shimon the fisherman (Yeshua, called Peter “a stone (Petrus-stone, Greek)“ and on this rock, I will build my church. ”) Shaul, a Pharisee and a priest from Tarsus became by the apostle Paul.
The Roman authorities crucified Jesus Christ because he called himself the Messiah. (According to Roman concepts, the Messiah (the one who claims to be descended from the house of David, i.e., a descendant of the kings of Judah and therefore can claim the throne.) The Roman government could not allow this, and Jesus Christ was sentenced to shameful execution, crucifixion. Such an execution was to prove to his followers that he was an ordinary person who died on the cross.
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