Homo Sapiens 3

Homo Sapiens 3

Published: 2019-10-04

The Founding Fathers of America envisage almost everything. But even they could not have foreseen that society would change so much. That can come to power by the standard electoral way, otherwise then simple-thinking people. People have different ideas now becoming majorities, seeking to take everything and to divide. Democrats from defenders of slavery become socialists and move far to the left. For the sake of a legal seizure of power, they are ready to go to the destruction of the constitutional laws adopted centuries ago. They want to lower the age limit of voters to 16, as well to give illegal immigrants the right to vote. Also, it provides the right to vote for the inmates in prisons. The religion of communism has once again grown its heads, and the unlearned humanity still called upon the revolutionary redistribution wealth among society. How true is it that all people are born equal and free? Of course, that is very true. But as well, some of the issues and other circumstances yet.