Homo Sapiens

Homo Sapiens

Published: 2019-08-10

Who are we? From the moment of self-awareness as a person, someone could not help but ask himself questions... «Who am I? Who created me? Who created all this world, scary and hostile.» Torah and Bible (Torah is part of the Bible), a collection of sacred religious texts in Judaism and Christianity, later on in Islam as well, explaining the origin of the world and humanity itself, quite slenderly described the history of the birth of all that exists on this earth: "... The earth was empty and unsettled, and the Spirit of God soar over the water." The Creator became bored and decided to create (I apologize for the tautology) something grandiose. The following six days Creator work very hard. Of course, everything came up. And God had seen the world is such pretty and spacious on the great planet Earth. On the sixth day of creation, the Creator made of his image and likeness the man, and from his rib also a woman. On the seventh day, the Creator rested. The newlyweds inhabit in the area of Mesopotamia, between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates there was at that time the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve break the Creator's direct order, do not to pluck an apple from the tree of Knowledge that grows in the middle of the Garden of Eden. Woman (and who else could violate God’s an indication) with her husband was banished forever from the Garden of Eden. Thus began the history of suffering and torment of the entire human race. For many centuries such explanation of everything was understandable and straightforward, but curious minds for millennia searched for answers to such exciting questions: « How and from where did the universe come? And when did it happen? From where the first human came? How was humanity able to spread all over the planet? Where was the cradle of the human race and when it happened?". Different theories expressed at different times. In the ancient, unenlightened centuries for such statements, it was quite easy to get for cleansing on a fire. In later centuries, science, history, literature, art, relying on the research of historians, archaeologists, geneticists, paleontologists, brought down on not quite prepared for such discoveries an avalanche of information that all humans knew, and cherished throughout its history, collapsed. Once the famous poet said: "the fetters will collapse, and freedom will greet you joyfully at the entrance"... Freedom from what? From the millennial’s beliefs? From a religion that is closer and more cherished than a hundred years ago? From history, astronomy, physics, mathematics. Finally, it turned out that everything is regarding, approximately, and generally dark. Who were our ancestors? Now we don't know what's going to happen next. What about knowledge, art, literature, music, painting, sculpture, philosophy? Millennials the best minds, and talents created masterpieces, fought to the death on the debates — recorded most profound revelations of human thoughts. In dark cells with small candle ends describing pictures of the universe and most profound revelations of human feelings. The cornerstones of human existence: the truth, faith, hope, the pursuit of virtue, and conviction for justness and believes in supreme power, with it's giving and punishing power. What is real, and what is illusory? What is the meaning of being, and what is its end? The modern interpretation of the processes of the universe has spread throughout the world space by mass media in the form of scientists’ treatises, non-fiction literature, and most importantly, using the recent creation of humankind, social networks. The help of semi-artistic and scientific-animated films have created truly epic pictures of the nature of the universe. As well as the history of the origin of humanity with the further development of the first and subsequent civilizations on planet Earth. Now that we armed with such knowledge - who were our ancestors and how they survived in those eerie conditions and even multiplied so much that inhabited the entire globe - life has become more fun and meaningful? Pragmatism could never be more fun than fairy tales. Believes, and expectation of a miracle power of fate and hope for a reward for obedience, virtue, and justice. Let's turn to the words of the poet: “There's a formidable judgment that's waiting; He does not have greed for the gold, and he knows the thoughts and deeds upfront.” The faith in retribution and justice