Published: 2021-07-14

82 From the book: A STORY OF THE GREATEST LIES 27 The destruction of the Temple, loss of independence, the death of hundreds of thousands, and the capture of thousands of those driven into slavery. It became a disaster for the Jewish people. All the next 60 years in the deserted Judea, unrest did not subside, which in 132 grew into an uprising led by Bar Kokhba. At first, he was successful and was even called the Messiah. Emperor Hadrian sent Julius North to Judea, the Jews were defeated, and Bar-Kokhba perished. Following Roman tradition, Jerusalem was plowed by ox teams. The city, named Elia Capitolina, became pagan with the erected temple to Jupiter. Judea itself is renamed Palestine. The capital of the country was moved to Caesarea. Violent persecution began against the Jews. Captured Jews were sold in numerous slave markets. Jews were forbidden to live in Jerusalem, practice Jewish religious rites, study the Torah, and ban circumcision, equated with castration. A brutal military regime was introduced in the country. Many residents left the country, hoping to find their share in a foreign land.