Published: 2021-07-11

79 From the book: HISTORY OF THE GREATEST LIES 24 Decline and unrest in the people in the country are also associated with the unbearable taxes of Rome, the arbitrariness and violence of the Roman procurators. The parties at war with each other, the messianic movement expecting the promised miracle, the appearance of the Messiah, and then Judea will become an independent country in dreams, where peace and justice will reign. All these factors paved the way for the emergence of Christ with his teaching. He was called the Messiah and the son of God, which practically meant the king of the Jews. Neither the Sanhedrin nor the Roman procurator could allow such a powerful attempt. Christ was captured, judged, and executed through crucifixion. According to the New Testament, four of his disciples, apostles, left notes about the life of the Master and his teachings. These gospel records (good news, Greek) appeared written in Greek in 40-80 AD.