Published: 2021-07-05

This is an alternative narrative of the biblical story of the Exodus, based on historical and archaeological finds, as well as Egyptian anti-Jewish literature regarding the origin of the Jewish people and the character of Moses. This alternate story based on Professor Israel Zero's fascinating book, How the Bible Was Born. The first author who invites us to look at the history of the Exodus from Egypt is the Egyptian-born Greek historian Manetho, who lived in Alexandria during the Ptolemaic period in the 3rd century B.C. Manetho reports that in the 17th century BC, foreign invaders, called Hyksos shepherds, came to Egypt and seized the throne. They burned down Egyptian cities, destroyed idols, and destroyed temples, committing "horrific hate crimes against all the native inhabitants of the country." After some time, the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt by one of the pharaohs. At this stage of the text, Manetho reveals their real identity: "They left the land of Egypt with their families and property and went through the desert to Syria, however, fearing the Assyrian rulers, they founded a city for themselves on this land, which is then called Judea."