Published: 2021-06-02

California In Los Angeles, pro-Palestinian protesters jumped out of their cars past a Beverly Grove restaurant on Tuesday. They began seeding and attacking Jewish eateries in a brutal brawl caught on camera by a passerby. The video shows members of a caravan of vehicles waving Palestinian flags as they move through an outdoor sushi dining room while reportedly chanting "Death to the Jews!" Just a few blocks away, two vehicles carrying Palestinian flags were chased outside his house as they chanted "Allahu Akbar" in an apparent attempt to run across him. “I've taken this route a million times, and I've never been scared,” he told Fox News. “I was waiting for the light to change, and suddenly I saw a bunch of cars, and I can see from the corner of my eye they were waving a Palestinian flag. They started to accelerate, and I heard them chanting“ Allahu Akbar. ”That's when I started working for the whole life. " “I was petrified. I just kept thinking, 'I am a father of six, and I want to go home to them tonight. I thought they were going to kill me. My mind was racing. " “Anti-Semitism, unfortunately, is not a new problem for the Jewish community,” Yosi Elifort, founder of the private community watch group Magen Am in Los Angeles, told Fox News. “No community should live in fear because of the religion they profess, and everyone should condemn the fact that people are willing to be cruel because of this. The Jewish community will not tolerate this. Jews all over the world should know that they have the right and responsibility to protect their community in cooperation with law enforcement agencies. " “Jews around the world need to know that they have the right and responsibility to protect their community in cooperation with law enforcement.”