Published: 2021-04-18

Jews belong to national minorities. Today, there are 15 million Jews on planet Earth. Of these, more than 6.5 million live in Israel, about 5 million live in the United States, the rest live in various countries. Galut - forced dispersion, influenced the character of the nation. Our ancestors were brave,freedom-loving people. The young Israelites, who were born in the land of their ancestors and raised not in slavery or in the diaspora, are different. Brave, free, independent. Like 3 thousand years ago, the Jewish people are in danger of the Galut, if not destruction. Babylon and Assyria, Greeks and Romans, religious intolerance and "Aryan" hatred sought to subdue or exterminate these small but staunch people. The Jewish people paid an inconceivable price for their survival. Systematic social anti-Semitism, as a result of centuries of persecution of Jews, created social inequality for the Jewish nation. Our alliance for the rights and dignity of Jews around the world was created to meet this challenge. Repost, write comments. Indifference or fear - this galut "it doesn't concern me" can ruin any undertaking. Get out of your "Egypt".